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Calling All 1480 Club Members

How many 1480 Club Members are still out there?

Why not register your number [if you can remember it!] and tell us what you enjoyed most about the club! Even if you can't remember your membership number, drop us a line and let's see how many of you there are!

Two members have already been in touch and here're their membership cards to help jog your memory!

Thanks to Theo Donnelley of Vancouver and John Farndon of Auckland for digging these memories out!

image of Pirate Radio Hauraki 1480 Club Number 429

1480 Club Membership Number 429 +

image of Pirate Radio Hauraki 1480 Club Number 1575

1480 Club Membership Number 1575 +

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This website is not affiliated with the current Radio Hauraki owned by The Radio Network.
The original pirate Radio Hauraki was realised by David Gapes, Denis 'Doc' O'Callahan,
Derek Lowe and Chris Parkinson and owned by Pacific Radio Advertising Ltd.
Material from this site will form part of the Radio Heritage Foundation Archive,
which holds all © unless specified.