Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Date: 13/02/2025 3:03:46 am

State Era Call Sign Location On Air Broadcast Type Licencee
Victoria 1920-1929 AWA Melbourne 1920 Demonstration of music broadcast AWA [Ernest Fisk]
Victoria 1920-1929 3ME Melbourne 1921 Experimental station Sydney Neuman
Victoria 1920-1929 3JU Melbourne Experimental station Ross Hull
Victoria 1920-1929 3BM Melbourne Experimental station Howard Kingsley Love
Victoria 1920-1929 3DP Melbourne Experimental station N Culliver
Victoria 1920-1929 3EF Melbourne Experimental station Bert Maddock
Victoria 1920-1929 3MY Melbourne Experimental station
Victoria 1920-1929 3BQ Melbourne 1923 Experimental station Max Howden
Victoria 1920-1929 3SW Melbourne Experimental station S W Gadsden
Victoria 1920-1929 3ZN Melbourne Experimental station Morris Israel
Victoria 1920-1929 3FY Melbourne Experimental station Fitzroy Radio Club
Victoria 1920-1929 3WA Ballarat Experimental station Warne Wilson
Victoria 1920-1929 3KP Melbourne Experimental station F Monteith
Victoria 1920-1929 3KU Swan Hill Experimental station Ronald Hipwell
Victoria 1920-1929 3CR Melbourne Experimental station Coburg Radio Club
Victoria 1920-1929 3QH Geelong Experimental station J F Feldman
Victoria 1920-1929 3AJ Warrnambool Experimental station E Salamy
Victoria 1920-1929 3UD Melbourne Experimental station United Distributors Radio Shop
Victoria 1920-1929 3GL Malvern Experimental station G L Bartholo
Victoria 1920-1929 3HK Mitcham Experimental station K Heitsch
Victoria 1920-1929 3NN Nhill Experimental station Bob Brown
Victoria 1920-1929 3HB Melbourne Experimental station H L Byrne
Victoria 1920-1929 3GT Melbourne Experimental station G G Thompson
Victoria 1920-1929 3OR Melbourne Experimental station Murray Orr
Victoria 1920-1929 3LK Geelong Experimental station Gordon Institute of Technology
Victoria 1920-1929 3HT Bendigo 1924 Experimental station H J Tippett
Victoria 1920-1929 3MP Melbourne Experimental station Stan Hosken
Victoria 1920-1929 3JG Melbourne Experimental station Jones & Glue Radio Shop
Victoria 1920-1929 3LO Melbourne Commercial license Australian Broadcasting Co. [Studios in Lonsdale Street]
Victoria 1920-1929 3AR Melbourne Commercial license Associated Radio Co.
Victoria 1920-1929 3WR Wangaratta 1925 Commercial license Wangaratta Sports Depot
Victoria 1920-1929 3UZ Melbourne Experimental station Oliver Nilsen
Victoria 1920-1929 3EO Mildura 1926 Commercial license R J Egge
Victoria 1920-1929 3DB Melbourne 1927 Commercial license Druleigh Business College
Victoria 1920-1929 3FB Trafalgar 1929 Experimental station Frank Berkery
Victoria 1920-1929 3EX Melbourne Experimental station [AWA] Made in Australia

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