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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

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Editorial: New Sponsors

NZDXRA TuneIn logo

And now a few words....

We're moving after 10 years...... moving to Freeparking, a part of the Web Farm group, based in New Plymouth [New Zealand]..... and we're especially delighted that they've agreed to continue the sponsored hosting arrangement we previously enjoyed with 2day.

Importantly, they'll move us to a Linux web server later this year when we're ready to upgrade and introduce WordPress and our Collective Access database.

We're grateful to Peter Mott, founder of 2day who offered us free hosting a decade ago, and has been one of the silent supporters making this website part of this global radio memories project possible.

This week we also welcome Open Air Cinema as the national radio partner of the popular New Zealand Radio Guide.

Urs Bauer and his Warkworth based team travel nationwide bringing open air cinema to many events and special screenings using LPFM as their means of audio. Urs uses the NZ Radio Guide to avoid clashes with existing LPFM stations wherever Open Air Cinema is setting up a Drive In cinema. We're delighted to have you on board and continue our association with you Urs. Like and connect with them at

Finally this week, Nautel has joined us from Nova Scotia in Canada as our first ever Content Partner.

Nautel is well known worldwide for making AM & FM transmitters and they've got many stories to share with us about the communities served by the AM & FM radio stations that use their equipment.

Nautel delivered the first ever commercial solid state transmitter 45 years ago, paving the way for the end of using tubes, and a major development in modern broadcasting. We'll have a regular series of Nautel Memorable Radio features and share their inside stories with you...enjoy them!

We celebrate our 10th year online in 2015, and acknowledge Freeparking, Open Air Cinema and Nautel who have joined us at this stage of our journey. Stay tuned!

We hope to bring you more good news in the near future, and remind you all that it's supporters like you who generously give towards our overhead costs each week and make this global radio heritage project possible. We still need regular donations from as many people as possible to spread the burden on existing sponsors.

Please join us this week with your donation and be part of the team as we enter our second decade of keeping the radio memories safe for you.


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

© Radio Heritage Foundation 2004 - 2024

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