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Whitford Broadcasting Network
6PM Perth, 6AM Northam,
6KG Kalgoorlie, 6GE Geraldton

DIRECTORS: Frank Whitford, Perth (Managing), Archer Whitford, Sydney.

image of CBS QSL

Network listener card with map of WA
[Note later name change to Consolidated Broadcasting System]
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Office and Studios, St. George's House, 115 St George's Terrace, Perth.

SYDNEY REPRESENTATIVE: Don Scott, O'Brien House, 56 Young Street, Sydney. MELBOURNE: Hugh Anderson, Poster House, 130 Exhibition Street, Melbourne.

The Whitford Network apart from its efforts to maintain a high standard in music, song and story, claims to lead West Australian radio in offering maximum assistance to the improvement of local radio talents.

A feature of the Network is its consistent efforts with Community concerts and types of entertainment which foster the talents of amateur artists. Another feature is the Children's Sessions to "Listeners of To-day'' and "Buyers of To-morrow."

These stations claim that they broadcast more than half the Children's Birthday Calls passing over the Commercial Stations of W.A. The best available announcers are obtained for these "Children's Sessions" - in one instance, a Freelance. The Saturday morning "Kiddies' Kommunity Koncert'' is so popular that to avoid overcrowding the local health authorities have limited the attendance to 800.

The Whitford Stations concentrated on patriotic efforts during the war period, and among their achievements was the raising of £3,000 odd for the one-day Australian Comforts Fund Appeal. Another excellent performance was to obtain, from one Sunday afternoon broadcast, 11,000 odd votes as the result of a reading by scholars from eight Metropolitan Schools, of extracts from the epic poem by Alice Duer Miller, "The White Cliffs."
image of 6GE QSL 1944

6PM listener confirmation 1944
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation


Operating on 500 watts, 265 metres, 1,130 K/c. 6 p.m. broadcasts from the transmitter at Coffee Point, on the south side of the Swan River, three air miles from the heart of Perth. The first two miles of transmission is assisted by the passage over the river, resulting in an excellent hearing over the whole Metropolitan Area. The plant is a few hundred yards from the river, providing adequate earthing.

Transmission hours 6.45 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily.


Broadcasts on 306 metres, 975.8 K/c , 6 a.m., is situated on one of the highest points in the Darling Range, 48 air miles from Perth.

Its maximum commercial power of 2,000 watts, added to the fact of its being the pioneer country station in W.A., has resulted in great goodwill listening - possibly second to none in Australia.

6AM's birthday, June 1st, since its inception eleven years ago, always stimulates a very large number of congratulatory letters and telegrams from listeners.
image of 6AM QSL 1945

6AM listener confirmation 1945
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Northam is the focal point for the vast primary producing areas of Western Australia. It is the centre of rail services - North, East and South. Stations 6PM-6AM are the Radio Publicity outlets of the biggest Organisations in W.A., with regular weekly sessions. The R.S.S.A.I.L.A.[ Returned Sailor's, Soldier's and Airmen's Imperial League of Australia], with its 235 sub-branches, the Primary Producers' Association and the Country Women's Association, are included.

Broadcasting hours are 6.45 a.m. to 2 p.m., 5 p.m. to 10.30 p.m. Stations 6PM-6AM operate mainly in relay. Personalities:-

JOHN LUKE: Engaged mainly on Evening Announcing. Has compered over the last twelve months, weekly evening community concerts, which have been a station feature for the past eight years. John also takes part in National Station plays and general studio productions.

GEOFF MANION: Recently returned from R.A.A.F., relieving with evening announcing and Community Concert compere. Is showing very definitely that he retains his old flair for keeping listeners interested.

MISS NOREEN LEEN (MARGO): In charge of programmes and Women's Morning Sessions. Was previously with 6GE Geraldton before joining 6PM-6AM six years ago. Margo also comperes with John Luke the "Kiddies' Kommunity Koncert'' on Saturday mornings. She is well known among her charitable Organisations, and is in demand as a Commentator at Mannequin Parades.

image of Breezy Bird 6AM QSL 1934

6AM Breezy Bird listener card 1934
© Eric Shackle Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

CHRIS GOSPER: Recently returned R.A.A.F., station pianist. Plays in all studio productions and the "Kiddies Kommunity Koncert.'' Favourite with the girls and children alike!

NEVILLE DAWSON : At moment of writing not yet clear of the R.A.A.F., but managing to help out whenever possible. Keen as mustard and anxious to keep in touch with radio broadcasting. Recorded several programmes at R.A.A.F. Stations in the Eastern States.

NELL SHORTLAND-JONES: A Radio Freelance, possibly the most popular radio artist in W.A. She is frequently in demand by sponsors, and does a job second to none in charge of the Children's Session. Auntie Nell is known from Darwin to Albany.

KEVIN WHITBY: Just returned from R.A.N. Notwithstanding his experiences on the Canberra and Shropshire, Kevin found time when in port to record some splendid jobs - mainly in War Loan Broadcasts. He was chosen to do one of the A.B.C. broadcasts from Tokio Bay.


Address as above, or direct correspondence, Exchange Buildings, Hannan Street, Kalgoorlie.
image of 6KG QSL Goldfields 1934

Original 6KG Kalgoorlie card 1934
© Eric Shackle Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Broadcasting on 500 watts, 248 metres. 1,210 K/c, 6KG is in the centre of the main gold-producing areas of Australia. It puts over the biggest radio shows, and as it is 200 miles from any other Commercial Station, it is really an essential.

Transmission hours, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., 5 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.

ARTHUR TAYLOR: Manager and Engineer. Has been in the Kalgoorlie areas for over ten years, and knows the district's requirements. Arthur was previously a Radio Amateur, and has been a great factor, up till two years ago, in the efficiency of the Flying Doctor scheme.

ALAN WEIR: Senior Evening Announcer, recently returned from Army Service. A resident of many years in the field and knows its wants.

EDDIE HANSEN: Just returned with the D.F.C. from the R.A.A.F. Whilst in the Old Country did a B.B.C. Course, and is a bigger success than ever with Station Listeners.

ALAN GREEN: Relieving evening and daytime announcer.
image of 6KG QSL 1944

6KG listener confirmation 1944
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

JOAN WEIR: In charge of programmes, a keen student of music; does the Women's Radio Session. Her reading of "Stories by Joan" has been particularly favourably spoken of.

LAUREL BAKER: Junior Woman Announcer; doing a nice job and developing rapidly.

PAT CARTLEDGE: Junior Woman Announcer with a very pleasing voice - will be heard of more often in the future.


Address: Whitford's Broadcasting Network, as above, also Marine Terrace, Geraldton. Operating on 500 watts, 219 metres and 1,370 K/c.

Became part of Whitford Network in 1940. Broadcasting to the vast hinterland - Agricultural, Pastoral and Northern Mining Areas. The main port in the Victoria District, with the shipping of its large primary production of wool, wheat, flour, tomatoes and fish. 6GE is another exclusive Commercial Proposition, being 250 miles north of other commercial stations.
image of 6GE QSL 1948

6GE listener confirmation 1948
© Keith Robinson Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Transmission hours, 7 a.m. to 10.30 a.m., 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Programmes broadcast by 6GE include "Calling the Stars," "Cashmere Bouquet Show,'' "Leave Pass," "Lasting Loveliness," "Youth Speaks,'' "Quick as a Flash," "Can You Top This?" "The Citadel," "The Convenient Marriage," "These Children," "Australian Lutheran Hour," "Nick Carter'' and a Saturday night two-hour feature, "Music Magazine of the Air," which draws mail from every corner of Western Australia.

The present staff includes: HARRY ATKINSON, manager, chief announcer and programme director. Before joining 6GE in November, 1939, he had had several year's journalistic experience. Was known to readers of "The Broadcaster'' as "Waxmaster," and his record reviews were well known. Hobbies (when time permits) amateur radio and photography. Founder and President of Geraldton Music-lovers' Club. Receives a big fan mail from listeners outside the service area.

MALCOLM YOUNG, just returned after more than six years service with the R.A.N. Has resumed duties as Copywriter and Announcer.

ARTHUR BAXTER, A.M. Inst. R.E. (Aust.), engineer-in-charge, has had long experience in radio, dating to the years immediately after the 1914-18 war.

PHYL ROBINSON ("Auntie Phyl"), of the Children's Session, and "Lorraine," of the Ladies' Session) - a young lady with a charming voice and personality. She has had repertory experience, was at one time secretary of the Southern Cross Women's Auxiliary, and served in the W.A.A.A.F.

LINDA MARSH: Evening Announcer. Miss Marsh is an L.R.S.M., and is Geraldton's leading teacher of pianoforte. She combines with her musical qualifications a charming voice, and her music has been commented upon favourably at the Sydney Conservatorium.

RON McKILLOP, Junior Announcer, is 17, and shows promise. His ambition is to combine news-reporting with announcing and there seems no way of stopping him.

Australian Radio History

Now available as a free eBook!

Whitford Broadcasting Network,'Broadcast Year Book and Radio Listeners' Annual of Australia 1946-47.
Editor: C C Faulkner.
© Ray Crawford Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation.

Digital version of text, images and layout © Radio Heritage Foundation 2009.

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