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New Zealand Low Powered FM (LPFM) Radio Station Guide

Check the boxes to include your options. Each selection produces a separate result. From January 2007, this radio guide is updated daily or as new information becomes available.

From August 2013 this guide is replaced by the New Zealand Radio Guide and is no longer maintained. This guide will become part of a legacy guide to no longer broadcasting New Zealand AM/FM/LPFM radio stations.


Transmission Frequency

Market Location

image of NZ LPFM Radio Station Groove FM

© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

Since the 1990's, New Zealanders have been able to create their own low power FM radio stations and begin freely broadcasting on a narrow range of frequencies. Commonly called the 'guardband', these frequencies are at the top and bottom ends of the standard FM dial. The power is very low and coverage is usually 5-10km from the transmitter location.

The stations are completely unregulated, as they're automatically entitled to a GURL [General Users Radio Licence] so long as they meet technical regulations.
image of NZ LPFM Radio Station Base FM

© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

Hundreds of such stations have been created, and many have come and gone. Some are still around after a decade. Various attempts to list currently on-air stations have been attempted, but this radio guide is the most extensive because it includes every known LPFM station to have broadcast in over ten years.
image of NZ LPFM Radio Station George FM

© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

LPFM radio reflects a unique part of NZ's radio heritage. Much like the early days of radio, anyone could go on air. The enthusiasm of a new generation to start their own stations, broadcast their own music and views, and find a space on the airwaves has been startling and successful.
image of NZ LPFM Radio Station Pulzar FM

© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

Our exclusive LPFM Radio Guide helps tell these stories. Soon station operators will be able to update their listings and keep everyone informed of latest changes and news.

image of NZ LPFM Radio Station Tourist Info FM

© Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.

The Radio Guide is searchable by frequency, radio market and brand name of the station. You'll be surprised how many stations have been on the air.

Soon we'll add newspages where LPFM stations can post media releases about what's hot, happening and keep everyone informed of station news and events.

For now, enjoy the most complete LPFM Radio Guide anywhere, and watch for station news, profiles and more.

From August 2013 this guide is replaced by the New Zealand Radio Guide and is no longer maintained. This guide will become part of a legacy guide to no longer broadcasting New Zealand AM/FM/LPFM radio stations.

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