New South Wales
Early Days 1890-1919 and Golden Age 1920 - 1939

Date: 13/02/2025 3:47:44 am

State Era Call Sign Location On Air Broadcast Type Licencee
New South Wales 1890-1919 AWA Sydney 1919 Demonstration of music broadcast AWA [Ernest Fisk]
New South Wales 1920-1929 2CM Sydney 1921 Experimental station Charles McLaren
New South Wales 1920-1929 2XY Newcastle Experimental station Harry Douglas
New South Wales 1920-1929 2ZN Newcastle 1922 Experimental station N P Olsen
New South Wales 1920-1929 2JR Sydney Experimental station Joe Reed
New South Wales 1920-1929 2DE Sydney Experimental station W P Renshaw
New South Wales 1920-1929 2UW Sydney Experimental station Otto Sandell
New South Wales 1920-1929 2CX Sydney Experimental station H A Stone
New South Wales 1920-1929 2ED Sydney Experimental station H R Gregory
New South Wales 1920-1929 2GR Sydney Experimental station J S Marks
New South Wales 1920-1929 2JM Sydney Experimental station R C Marsden
New South Wales 1920-1929 2BB Sydney Experimental station E B Crocker
New South Wales 1920-1929 2LI Sydney Experimental station Radio College Limited
New South Wales 1920-1929 2LX Sydney Experimental station Burwood Radio Club
New South Wales 1920-1929 2KC Sydney Experimental station R H Fay
New South Wales 1920-1929 2WU Sydney Experimental station W H Morey
New South Wales 1920-1929 2ZG Sydney Experimental station R E McIntosh
New South Wales 1920-1929 2YH Sydney Experimental station W H Hannan
New South Wales 1920-1929 2JP Sydney Experimental station J H A Pike
New South Wales 1920-1929 2IY Sydney Experimental station Cecil Stevenson
New South Wales 1920-1929 2LO Sydney Experimental station Len Schultz
New South Wales 1920-1929 2GY Sydney Experimental station Ray Allsop
New South Wales 1920-1929 2PS Sydney Experimental station P G Stephens
New South Wales 1920-1929 2BV Sydney Experimental station Waverley Radio Club
New South Wales 1920-1929 2LB Sydney Experimental station L P R Bean & Co Radio Shop
New South Wales 1920-1929 2AD Sydney Experimental station Arthur Dixon
New South Wales 1920-1929 2AG Sydney Experimental station Ashfield Garage Service Station
New South Wales 1920-1929 2RP Sydney Experimental station R P Primer Radio Shop
New South Wales 1920-1929 2AK Deniliquin Experimental station J Claffery
New South Wales 1920-1929 2CH Uralla Experimental station C J Henry
New South Wales 1920-1929 2LE Lismore Experimental station Lismore Electrical Co.
New South Wales 1920-1929 2TH Bangalow Experimental station T H Squelch Radio Shop
New South Wales 1920-1929 2RB Lithgow Experimental station R E Belljon
New South Wales 1920-1929 2HP Sydney Experimental station Will MacLardy
New South Wales 1920-1929 2DS Sydney 1923 Experimental station Jack Davis
New South Wales 1920-1929 2ZH Sydney Experimental station W H Paling & Co.
New South Wales 1920-1929 2SB Sydney Commercial License [ex 2HP] Sydney Broadcasters
New South Wales 1920-1929 2FC Sydney Commercial License Farmers & Co
New South Wales 1920-1929 2BL Sydney Commercial License [ex 2SB] Broadcasters Limited
New South Wales 1920-1929 2BE Sydney Commercial License Burgin Electric Co.
New South Wales 1920-1929 2EU Sydney 1925 Commercial License Electrical Utilities
New South Wales 1920-1929 2UE Sydney Commercial License [ex 2EU] Electrical Utilities
New South Wales 1920-1929 2HD Newcastle Commercial License [ex 2XY] Harry Douglas
New South Wales 1920-1929 2UW Sydney Commercial License
New South Wales 1920-1929 2KY Sydney Commercial License Emil Voigt
New South Wales 1920-1929 2MK Bathurst Commercial License Mockler Bros.
New South Wales 1920-1929 2XT [rural] NSW 1926 Experimental station experimental mobile train
New South Wales 1920-1929 2GB Sydney Commercial License [after] Giordano Bruno
New South Wales 1920-1929 2KB Newcastle 1927 Experimental station Allen Fairhall
New South Wales 1920-1929 2XL Lismore

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