Dr Paul, Popular Radio Serial
'Dr Paul' was a top rating and long running radio serial
produced by British Australian Programs Pty Ltd [later Grace Gibson
Productions] in Sydney, Australia.
'Dr Paul' was widely broadcast across
both Australia and New Zealand in the 1950's and early 1960's with
commercial sponsorship from companies such as Lever Bros.
'Dr Paul' cast is:
Back row [L-R]: Alan White [Dr John Cabot], Pat
Burrington [Vicki Cabot], Neva Carr Glyn [Elizabeth Lowe], Dinah
Shearing [Virginia Martin], Ron Roberts [narrator]. Front row [L-R]:
Michael Plant [Ricky Scanlon], John Saul [Dr Paul Lowe] and Reg
Johnston [producer].
© The Listener in 'Voices in the Air', Radio New Zealand/Methuen
1976. Radio Heritage Foundation Collection.