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From David's Desk

September 15 2005

Papua New Guinea 30th Birthday

image of Jacket from Broadcasting in PNG by Ian Mackay

Jacket from Broadcasting in PNG by Ian Mackay
© David Ricquish Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

September 16 2005 is the 30th anniversary of the independent Melanesian state of Papua New Guinea.

The first radio station in Port Moresby began broadcasts back in October 1935, some 70 years ago. This was 4PM, owned by AWA Limited.

During and after WWII, a large number of Australian and US forces entertainment radio stations also broadcast from across the scattered islands.

In 2005, state, commercial and religious radio networks broadcast to a rapidly growing population.

Just after independence in 1975, broadcaster Ian K Mackay published 'Broadcasting in Papua New Guinea', a detailed story about how 'tok tok' [radio] came to this magic land.

Buy this book today from The Emporium Radio Heritage Store ©, celebrate PNG's 30th birthday bash, and help raise funds for the Radio Heritage Foundation.

KFSG Los Angeles Part 2

image of Aimee Semple McPherson

Aimee Semple McPherson ca 1924
© Jim Hilliker Collection

I'd like to share with you what I believe is KFSG's legacy all these years later, along with a few stories about KFSG from its first decade, that have become popular in radio history books and on the internet over the years. Many of these have grown into legendary status since the 1920s, while others may have been forgotten. > read more

Book of the Month - September

Our September 2005 book of the month is Passport to World Band Radio, 2006 Edition due for release shortly. It is currently available on pre-order at a very good discount from normal retail price.

Every sale helps continue and expand the stories, images, projects and other activities you enjoy here. Watch for more goodies coming soon to The Emporium Radio Heritage Store ©.

Contact us with your ideas for new books and more that you'd like to see included.

KFSG Los Angeles Part 1

image of KFSG Letterhead

KFSG Letterhead

In August 2002, I wrote a history of KFSG radio that appeared on That story was mostly a technical timeline of the station's changing frequencies and transmitter powers over the years, and the station's relationship with KRKD, today's 1150-AM license, since KFSG divided time with that station for more than 32 years. This time, I hope to cover KFSG from a different standpoint, mainly focusing on its earliest years on the air.  > read more

Khyber Radio Journey

image of Radio Afghanistan Central studios, Kabul

Central studios, Kabul

The main highway running from the Khyber Pass into the city of Kabul (KAH-b'l) runs through the suburban area of Yakatut (YUCK-a-TOOT). Stretched across the highway on the outer edge of Yakatut were the antennas for the shortwave service of Radio Afghanistan.
 > read more

Column: Reminiscing with a Radio

image of Adrian Petersen

Adrian Petersen

Radio to the Rescue in Coastal Flooding

Back around the middle of last century, it seemed that there was almost constant seasonal flooding along the northern coastal areas of New South Wales in Australia. At the time, I was a student at a theological college, inland from the coast, between Sydney the state capital and the large regional city Newcastle.  > read more

Early Australian AM Radio

image of Ernest Fisk

Ernest Fisk
© Ray Crawford Collection

This listing of early Australian AM radio stations and their owners has been drawn from material supplied by Bruce Carty of Radio Yesteryear Inc to provide an introduction to the first decade of broadcasting in Australia.

To be included in this list, the experimental station [or amateur license] must have broadcast during the 1920's, on a medium wave [AM]...  > read more

@ a Glance Guides

NZ @ a Glance logo

New Zealand
AM 531-1602

Keeping up to date with new stations, format changes and more is now made easy with our @ a Glance series.

A quick look tells you all the basic information such as frequency, brand, market and format.
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WVTR gives birth to Godzilla

This month it's 60 years since Armed Forces Radio WVTR began broadcasting from the studios of Radio Tokyo, and we've added a trilogy of stories about WVTR and lots of photos from this period.

The story about the Japanese Sea Monster is very special. I'd like to share a message we got recently from one of the two original creators of this fantastic story.

"I'm glad that there are those who are still alive that remember the Armed Forces Radio program that brought the 20-foot sea monster through the Tokyo of 1947.
I remember, and have the newspaper clips to reminisce that very exciting day in May 1947.
My name is Art Bartick, and with my army buddy Tommy Thompson, wrote the script for the story. Thus, Godzilla was born.
Although our imaginary monster was not named Godzilla, never the less it was the beginning for the Godzilla sagas.
I wish I could get credit for the Godzilla phenomenon, but it didn't work out that way. When the movie came out and I read where some Japanese writer was taking credit for creating Godzilla, it was bothersome for the moment.
But, heck, that was 30 years after the original radio broadcast, so I'm happy you remembered.
After the army, Tommy and I both went to work for the American Broadcasting Company in Los Angeles where we both became TV directors.
Tommy became the producer for the 'I Love Lucy' shows and also directed a movie or two.
I sure would like to hear from anyone who was involved with the broadcast, or any persons who heard the broadcast.

Sincerely, Art Bartick"

WVTR Tokyo Xmas 1945

image of WVTR Quiz

'Date With Your State' local quiz show

Music, comedy, drama, news, sports and special events programs fill the airwaves as the 18 stations of the Armed Forces Radio Network broadcast the tops in radio entertainment to occupation troops in Japan and Korea.  > read more

PRIVATE Newhouse of WVTR

image of S Newhouse and J Faulkner

S Newhouse and J Faulkner outside Radio Tokyo
© Shelby Newhouse Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

Let me tell you how I got to Radio Tokyo. I'm really a very lucky guy... have been all my life. This is just one of many stories that attest to that.

All troops entering the Pacific Theater or going home seemed to move through the 4th Replacement Depot at Zama, Japan. This had been the country's West Point. Now... my army records showed that during the last two years of high school I'd worked the night shift as an announcer at WJLB in Detroit, Michigan. 4,999 infantrymen left Zama for Hokkaido.  > read more

WVTR's Sea Monster

image of WVTR live show studio

WVTR live show studio
© Ken Harriman Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation

In the Year of 1947 I was serving in the United States Army posted to the Army of Occupation in Japan. I was stationed at Shonan Tomioka about 30 miles south of Yokohama in a former Japanese seaplane base, which had been made into the Headquarters and Battalion Barracks for the 753rd AAA Gun Battalion.  > read more

7LA Launceston - The Original and Feature Station

image of 7LA Main Studio

Portion of 7LA Main Studio

Findlay and Wills Broadcasters Pty. Ltd. holds the licence of 7LA, "Launceston's Original and Feature Station," with offices and studios in Findlay's Buildings, Brisbane Street. The modern A.W.A transmitting plant is on an elevated site, three miles from the business centre in the outer suburb of Prospect.  > read more

5DN First South Australian Station

image of 5DN ad

5DN - South Australian Key Station of the Macquarie Network

In June 1924, 5DN commenced the first regular broadcasting service for listeners in South Australia, from the home of the late Mr. E. J.Hume at Parkside, a suburb of Adelaide.

A "B" Class licence was applied for by 5DN on 1st August, 1924, and Licence No. 14 was afterwards granted by the P.M.G. Department, The wavelength then given to the station - 313 meters - has been retained ever since.

Mrs. Hume presented the first programmes from the drawing room of her home, 15 Park Terrace, Parkside.  > read more

3MA The Sunraysia Station

image of Val Anderson

Val Anderson, 3MA Manager and Chief announcer since 1937

Owned and operated by Sunraysia Broadcasters Pty. Ltd., 3MA studios are in the T & G Building, Langtree Avenue, Mildura.

Wavelength is 221.6 m. (1360 K.C. ), Power: 200 watts in the aerial.
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The Emporium Radio Heritage Store ©

You'll find the best radio, broadcasting and media related books at our new on-line store. The Top 40 Radio Books List has our pick from thousands of titles, and includes amateur radio, Top 40 radio, wartime broadcasts, radio history from Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, USA and Canada, antique radios, pirate radio and much more.  > read more

Book of the Month - August

Our August 2005 book of the month is The Cash Cage by DJ Corey Deitz, currently co-host of the morning show on 100.3 FM The Edge in Little Rock, AR. Corey is also the radio guide for His book is a great insider's look at how radio really works.

Every sale helps continue and expand the stories, images, projects and other activities you enjoy here. Watch for more goodies coming soon to The Emporium Radio Heritage Store ©.

Contact us with your ideas for new books and more that you'd like to see included.


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