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The Co-operative Global Radio Memories Project

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Win The Pacific Story Competition

In association with OTRCAT, we're excited to offer THREE chances to win the fabulous 'Pacific Story' vintage radio serial collection... 170 episodes... 80 hours of retro entertainment.

Find the answer to Question 1 by clicking on this logo

Travel the enchanted islands and lands, cities and villages from around the Pacific back in the days of glorious ocean liners and PanAm clippers, and enjoy a unique insight into lifestyles, art, industry, politics and culture from the the mid 1940's as America looked away from a Europe in ruins towards the bright new future beckoning from Asia and the Pacfic.

Simply answer these two questions:

1. What is the title of Episode #26 of The Pacific Story?

For the answer, visit the OTRCAT website via the logo on this page, look for 'Historical' radio series 'Pacific Story' and find episode #26

2. What is the name of the famous Hawaiian radio show that was broadcast until 1975?

For the answer, visit our Art of Radio Hawaii feature here.

Send your two answers with your name and address to info @ with the header: 'OTRCAT The Pacific Story Competition' to reach us by midnight your local time and date on September 15 2011. Only one entry per person. Judges decision is final. There are three separate prizes each of a complete collection of 170 episodes of this fabulous old time radio series.

image of KGU listener card

Vintage KGU Honolulu promotional stamp
© Eric Shackle Collection, Radio Heritage Foundation Collection


Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

© Radio Heritage Foundation 2004 - 2024

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