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The Australian Radio Guide
Radio Stations in Sydney


Region: Sydney

1017 Sky Sports RadioDAB+SydneyNews, Sport, Talk and Racing
104.1 2DAYDAB+SydneySydney's Hit Music Station
104.9 Triple MDAB+SydneyTriple M Rocks Sydney
105.7 triplejDAB+SydneyWe love music
107.3 2SERDAB+SydneySydney's Educational Radio
1107 SBS AMDAB+SydneyNational Radio
1224 2RPH DigitalDAB+SydneyYour Radio Reading Service
1269 2SMDAB+SydneyNews, Talk, Sport and Entertainment
2UEDAB+SydneyEasy Music
576 ABC Radio NationalDAB+SydneyYour world unfolding
702 ABC SydneyDAB+SydneyIt's where you live
873 2GBDAB+SydneyNews, Talk and Sport
92.1 2MFM Muslim Digital RadioDAB+SydneyMuslim Community Radio
94.5 FBi RadioDAB+SydneyIndependent Community Radio
95.3 Smooth FMDAB+SydneyYour easy place to relax
96.9 NovaDAB+SydneyPlays New Music First
97.7 SBSDAB+SydneyNational Radio
98.5 2000 LanguagesDAB+SydneyMultilingual
ABC ClassicDAB+SydneyThe World's most beautiful music
ABC CountryDAB+SydneyReal Country
ABC ExtraDAB+SydneyThe ABC's Special Events Channel
ABC GrandstandDAB+SydneyAustralia's best sporting coverage
ABC JazzDAB+SydneyJust Jazz
BuddhaDAB+SydneyTune In Chill Out
Chemist Warehouse RemixDAB+SydneyThe Best Mix from the 80's, 90's and Now
Coles RadioDAB+SydneyAll Your Favourites
Dance Super DigiDAB+SydneyDance Anthems from the 80's, 90's and early 00's
Double JDAB+SydneyMusic from your past, present and future
Edge DigitalDAB+SydneyHits That Move You
Fairfax Radio NTSDAB+SydneyNews/Talk/Sport
Fine MusicDAB+SydneyClassic Music Radio
Gorilla Super DigiDAB+SydneyDance
Inspire DigitalDAB+SydneyInspired Christian Music & Teaching
KIISDAB+SydneyMusic & Lifestyle
KoffeeDAB+SydneyTime to Chill
Kr00 Koori RadioDAB+SydneyAboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Radio
LovelandDAB+SydneyWhere Love Lives
Mix 80sDAB+SydneyThe Best Mix of the 80s
Mix '90sDAB+SydneyMix '90s - Nothing but the '90s
Pure GoldDAB+SydneyGood times, great classic hits
SBS ChillDAB+SydneyChill to world music
SBS Pop AsiaDAB+SydneyNon-stop Asian pop
SBS PopArabyDAB+SydneyNon-stop Arabic pop
SBS PopDesiDAB+SydneyNon-stop Desi pop
SBS Radio 3DAB+SydneySBS Language Programming
SKY Racing WorldDAB+SydneyThere's a whole world of racing out there
Sky Sports 2DAB+SydneySports programming - English football league and racing from across the world
Super Fun DigiDAB+SydneySyndey's New Home of Classic Hits from the '60s, '70s and '80s
Triple J UnearthedDAB+SydneyListen and discover
Triple M Classic Rock DigitalDAB+SydneyThe rock that started it all is back
Zoo Super DigiDAB+SydneyMore Music Variety
Radio National576SydneyABC national - DAB+
ABC News Radio630SydneyABC news & parliament - DAB+
702 ABC Sydney702SydneyABC local - DAB+
SBS Radio1107SydneyMulticultural national - DAB+
ABC Classic92.9SydneyABC classical - DAB+
SBS Radio97.7SydneyMulticultural national - DAB+
Triple J105.7SydneyABC new music - DAB+
SEN Track801GosfordRacing
2GB873SydneyTalk commercial - DAB+
2UE954SydneyEasy Music
Sky Sports Radio1017SydneyRacing commercial - DAB+
2SM1269SydneyCommercial - DAB+
SEN Track1539SydneyRacing
Smooth FM95.3SydneyYour easy place to relax - DAB+
The Edge 96.196.1KatoombaCommercial - DAB+
Nova 96996.9SydneyCommercial - DAB+
WS FM99.1RichmondClassic hits commercial - DAB+
WS FM101.7SydneyClassic hits commercial - DAB+
2DAY FM104.1SydneyCommercial - DAB+
Triple M104.9SydneyMusic commercial - DAB+
Mix 106.5106.5SydneyMusic commercial - DAB+
RPH Print Radio1224SydneyCommunity
Radio Northern Beaches88.7Manly NorthCommunity
Radio Skid Row88.9SydneyCommunity
89.3 2GLF89.3LiverpoolCommunity
Eastside Radio89.7WaverleyCommunity
Hawkesbury Radio89.9WindsorCommunity
Radio Northern Beaches90.3Manly SouthCommunity
Alive 90.590.5ParramattaCommunity
Muslim Community Radio92.1SydneyIslamic community
Koori Radio93.7SydneyIndigenous community
2000 FM98.5SydneyMulticultural community
SWR FM99.9BlacktownCommunity
Triple H100.1HornsbyCommunity
RPH Print Radio100.5Sydney EastCommunity
WOW FM 100.7100.7PenrithCommunity
BFM 100.9100.9BankstownMulticultural community
Fine Music 102.5102.5SydneyClassical community
Hope 103.2103.2SydneyChristian community
Vision Christian Radio1611SydneyChristian narrowcast
Radio 2Moro1620SydneyArabic narrowcast
2ME Australia1638SydneyArabic narrowcast
2MM Greek Radio1656SydneyGreek narrowcast
Radio Rhythm1665SydneyBollywood Hindi
Club AM Greek Radio1683SydneyGreek narrowcast
Voice of Charity1701SydneyChristian Lebanese narrowcast
Raw FM87.6BrookvaleDance music narrowcast
Vintage FM87.6Penrith40s, 50s & 60s music narrowcast
Mood FM87.6SydneyMulticultural narrowcast
Radio Austral87.8SydneySpanish narrowcast
Bondi FM88.0BondiNarrowcast
Raw FM88.0Northern BeachesDance music narrowcast

If you have updates, changes, additions or other information to help us keep the listings current, please email us.

Previously maintained by Kevin White.


The Australian Radio Guide Main Index

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