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The Australian Radio Guide
Radio Stations in Melbourne


Region: Melbourne

100.3 NovaDAB+MelbournePlays New Music First
101.1 MIXDAB+MelbourneMusic and Lifestyle
101.9 FOXDAB+MelbourneHit Music Station
102.7 3RRR DigitalDAB+MelbourneMelbourne Independent Radio
1026 ABC NewsRadioDAB+MelbourneNews Now
103.5 3MBS Fine MusicDAB+MelbourneIndependent Classical Music
105.1 Triple MDAB+MelbourneTriple M Rocks Melbourne
106.7 PBS DigitalDAB+MelbourneHome of little heard music
107.5 triplejDAB+MelbourneWe love music
1116 SENDAB+MelbourneSports Entertainment Network
1224 SBS AMDAB+MelbourneNational Radio
1377 MyMPDAB+MelbourneEasy Music
1503 Kool & DeadlyDAB+MelbourneIndigenous Community Radio
621 ABC Radio NationalDAB+MelbourneYour world unfolds
693 3AWDAB+MelbourneNews, Sport, Talk, Entertainment
774 ABC MelbourneDAB+MelbourneIt's where you live
855 3CR DigitalDAB+MelbourneCommunity Radio
90.7 Syn NationDAB+MelbourneWhere young people run the show
91.5 Smooth FMDAB+MelbourneYour easy place to relax
92.3 3ZZZDAB+MelbourneMelbourne's Ethnic Community Radio
927 RSNDAB+MelbourneRacing & Sport
93.1 SBSDAB+MelbourneNational Radio
ABC ClassicDAB+MelbourneThe World's most beautiful music
ABC CountryDAB+MelbourneReal Country
ABC ExtraDAB+MelbourneThe ABC's Special Events Channel
ABC GrandstandDAB+MelbourneAustralia's best sporting coverage
ABC JazzDAB+MelbourneJust Jazz
Aussie DigitalDAB+MelbourneAll Australian, all the time
BuddhaDAB+MelbourneTune In Chill Out
Chemist Warehouse RemixDAB+MelbourneBest from '80s, '90s and Now
Coles RadioDAB+MelbourneAll Your Favourites
Double JDAB+MelbourneMusic from your past, present and future
Edge DigitalDAB+MelbourneMusic That Moves You
Fairfax Radio NTSDAB+MelbourneNews/Talk/Sports
IRIS VA RadioDAB+MelbourneVision Australia Radio's Digital Service -  Sound Information
KoffeeDAB+MelbourneTime to Chill
KooolDAB+Melbourne70's & 80's Songs
Light DigitalDAB+MelbourneChristian Music and Teaching
LovelandDAB+MelbourneWhere Love Lives
Magic 1278DAB+MelbourneMelbourne's Classic Hits
Mix 80sDAB+MelbourneThe Best Mix of the 80s
Mix '90sDAB+MelbourneMix '90s - Nothing But The '90s!
Pure GoldDAB+MelbourneGood Times, Classic Hits
RSN CarnivalDAB+MelbourneYour Feature Events Channel
RythmosDAB+MelbourneGreek digital radio
SBS ChillDAB+MelbourneChill to world music
SBS Pop AsiaDAB+MelbourneNon-stop Asian pop
SBS PopArabyDAB+MelbourneNon-stop Arabic pop
SBS PopDesiDAB+MelbourneNon-stop Desi pop
SBS Radio 3DAB+MelbourneSBS Language Programming
Triple J UnearthedDAB+MelbourneListen and discover
Triple M Classic Rock DigitalDAB+MelbourneThe rock that started it all is back
Radio National621MelbourneABC national - DAB+
774 ABC Melbourne774MelbourneABC local - DAB+
ABC News Radio1026MelbourneABC news & parliament - DAB+
SBS Radio1224MelbourneMulticultural national - DAB+
SBS Radio93.1MelbourneMulticultural national - DAB+
ABC Classic105.9MelbourneABC classical - DAB+
Triple J107.5MelbourneABC new music - DAB+
3AW693MelbourneTalk commercial - DAB+
RSN927MelbourneSport commercial - DAB+
Magic 12781278MelbourneMelbourne's Classic Hits
Classic Rock Radio1377MelbourneMusic commercial
SEN Track1593MelbourneRacing
Flow FM89.3MarysvilleRemote commercial
Smooth FM91.5MelbourneYour easy place to relax - DAB+
Bay FM93.9GeelongOldies/hit music commercial
K-Rock95.5GeelongMusic commercial
Nova 100100.3MelbourneHit music commercial - DAB+
Mix 101.1101.1MelbourneHit music commercial - DAB+
Fox101.9MelbourneHit music commercial - DAB+
Gold 104.3104.3MelbourneOldies commercial - DAB+
Triple M105.1MelbourneMusic commercial - DAB+
Flow FM106.3Mt St LeonardRemote commercial
Vision Australia Radio1179MelbourneCommunity
Kool 'N' Deadly1503MelbourneIndigenous community
Southern FM88.3Melbourne SouthCommunity
Plenty Valley FM88.6Plenty ValleyCommunity
WYN FM88.9WerribeeCommunity
Light FM89.9MelbourneChristian community
SYN FM90.7MelbourneYouth community
ZZZ92.3MelbourneMulticultural community
The Pulse94.7GeelongCommunity
Joy Melbourne94.9Melbourne CityGay & lesbian community
Golden Days Radio95.7Melbourne South EastOldies community
96three FM96.3GeelongChristian community
96.5 Inner FM96.5Melbourne North EastCommunity
3MDR 97.1FM (Mountain District Radio)97.1Mountain DistrictsCommunity
Stereo 97497.4Melbourne WestCommunity
97.7fm Casey Radio97.7Melbourne South EastCommunity
Eastern FM 98.198.1Melbourne EastCommunity
North West FM98.9Melbourne North WestCommunity
Yarra Valley FM 99.199.1Yarra ValleyCommunity
3NRG Radio99.3SunburyCommunity
Vision Australia Radio99.5GeelongCommunity
Three Triple R102.7MelbourneMusic community
3MBS103.5MelbourneClassical community
PBS106.7MelbourneProgressive music & arts community
West Coast 3GL 13411341GeelongTesting nostalgia format
3XY Radio Hellas1422MelbourneGreek narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio1611MelbourneChristian narrowcast
Radio Rhythm1629MelbourneMostly Indian
2ME Australia1638MelbourneArabic narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio1665MelbourneChristian narrowcast
Haanji Radio1674MelbourneIndian narrowcast
Islamic Voice Radio1701MelbourneMuslim narrowcast
Surf FM87.6Berwick80s & 90s music narrowcast
Surf FM87.6Cranbourne80s & 90s music narrowcast
Surf FM87.6Frankston80s & 90s music narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6HealesvilleChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6KinglakeChristian narrowcast
Kiss FM87.6MelbourneMusic narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6WhittleseaChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6Woori YallockChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6Yarra GlenChristian narrowcast
Kiss FM87.8GeelongMusic narrowcast
Kiss FM87.8MelbourneMusic narrowcast
Kiss FM87.9Mornington PeninsulaMusic narrowcast
Kiss FM88.0MelbourneMusic narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio88.0TootgarookChristian narrowcast
Hot Country89.3GeelongCountry music narrowcast

If you have updates, changes, additions or other information to help us keep the listings current, please email us.

Previously maintained by Kevin White.


The Australian Radio Guide Main Index

Radio Heritage Foundation projects and activities connect radio, popular culture, history and heritage.

The charitable trust has been giving a voice to those involved in radio via our website since 2004 and will continue to do so.

We are inclusive of all visitors, regardless of race, color, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, or disability and aim to connect people of all ages and cultures who love radio

We welcome a sense of wonder from the joy of listening via radio, and from memories retold for the enjoyment of all generations.

We prefer to use environmentally sustainable goods and services where we can afford to, and we provide free community access worldwide to our collections, published research, preservation and promotion activities in a completely paper-free environment.

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