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The Australian Radio Guide
Radio Stations in Central East NSW


Region: Central East NSW

ABC Central West549CumnockABC local
SBS Radio1035WollongongMulticultural national
ABC Upper Hunter1044MuswellbrookABC local
1233 ABC Newcastle1233NewcastleABC local
ABC Central West1395Lithgow CityABC local
SBS Radio1413NewcastleMulticultural national
Radio National1431WollongongABC national
ABC News Radio1458NewcastleABC news & parliament
SBS Radio1485WollongongMulticultural national
Radio National1512NewcastleABC national
Proposed ABC88.5Lithgow CityABC
SBS Radio88.9BathurstMulticultural national
Radio National88.9CondobolinABC national
ABC News Radio proposed90.9IllawarraABC news & parliament
Proposed ABC91.3Lithgow CityABC
Radio National92.1Lithgow CityABC national
ABC Central Coast - mainly relay of 702 ABC Sydney92.5GosfordABC local
SBS Radio94.5Lightning RidgeMulticultural national
ABC News Radio95.1Port StephensABC news & parliament
ABC Classic95.7IllawarraABC classical
Triple J95.9Bathurst CityABC new music
ABC proposed95.9Dubbo CityABC local
1233 ABC Newcastle95.9Port StephensABC local
ABC Central West96.3KandosABC local
ABC Riverina96.3YoungABC local
Radio National96.7Bathurst CityABC national
ABC Upper Hunter96.9MurrurundiABC local
Radio National97.1YoungABC national
ABC Illawarra97.3IllawarraABC local
ABC Classic97.5Bathurst CityABC classical
ABC News Radio98.1GosfordABC news & parliament
ABC News Radio98.3BathurstABC news & parliament
ABC proposed98.3Dubbo CityABC
Radio National98.3Port StephensABC national
SBS Radio98.7YoungMulticultural national
Triple J98.9IllawarraABC new music
ABC proposed99.1Dubbo CityABC
Radio National100.3KandosABC local
SBS Radio100.5DubboMulticultural national
SBS Radio100.7WellingtonMulticultural national
Triple J101.9Central TablelandsABC new music
ABC Central West101.9MerriwaABC local
Triple J102.1NewcastleABC new music
ABC Classic102.7Central TablelandsABC classical
Radio National103.5MerriwaABC national
Radio National104.1MurrurundiABC national
Radio National104.3Central TablelandsABC national
Proposed ABC104.7Lithgow CityABC
ABC News Radio104.9MuswellbrookABC news & parliament
ABC Central West105.7MuswellbrookABC local
ABC Classic106.1NewcastleABC classical
SBS Radio107.1OberonMulticultural national
2HD1143NewcastleClassic hits commercial
2DU1251DubboOldies/hit music commercial
2LF1350YoungMusic & talk commercial
2PK1404Parkes/ForbesOldies/hit music commercial
2MG1449MudgeeMusic & talk commercial
SEN Track1575IllawaraRacing
Newy 87.8 FM87.8NewcastleCommercial
Raw FM88.0NewcastleCommercial
1503 2BS Gold88.1BurragaOldies commercial
1503 2BS Gold89.3BlayneyOldies commercial
Zoo FM89.5WellingtonCommercial
1503 2BS Gold90.1SofalaOldies commercial
ROK FM90.5CondobolinCommercial
Zoo FM91.1Dubbo CityCommercial
Zoo FM92.7DubboCommercial
Breeze FM proposed93.1Coomba Park/StroudMusic commercial
Real FM93.1MudgeeCommercial
Hit FM93.5DubboContemporary hits
Roccy FM93.9YoungCommercial
Rebel FM proposed94.1Coomba Park/StroudClassic rock commercial
Hit FM94.9NarromineContemporary hits
Power FM94.9NowraCommercial
ROK FM95.5ForbesCommercial
ROK FM95.5ParkesCommercial
Wave FM96.5WollongongCommercial
2HD97.5Port StephensCommercial
Breeze FM97.7Barrington/StratfordMusic commercial
Real FM proposed97.9KandosCommercial
Valley FM97.9Parkes/ForbesCommunity
Power FM98.1MuswellbrookCommercial
i98 FM98.1WollongongCommercial
99.3 B-Rock FM99.3BathurstCommercial
Hit 101.3101.3GosfordCommercial
Flow FM101.5Lake CargelligoRemote commercial
1503 2BS Gold101.5OberonOldies commercial
Power FM102.7MerriwaCommercial
Triple M102.9NewcastleCommercial
Star FM104.5GosfordCommercial
Triple M105.1OrangeCommercial
New FM105.3NewcastleCommercial
Hit FM105.9OrangeContemporary hits
Hit FM106.9NewcastleContemporary hits
Triple M107.7GosfordCommercial
BLU FM89.1KatoombaCommunity
Peak Hill FM 89.589.5Peak HillCommunity
Binjang Community Radio91.5WellingtonCommunity
2MCE FM92.3Bathurst CityCommunity
2YYY Radio 92.3 (12pm Wed - 12pm Sun)92.3YoungCommunity
Young District Arts Council (12pm Sun - 12pm Wed)92.3YoungCommunity
Radio Five-O-Plus93.3GosfordCommunity
RPH Print Radio93.3WollongongCommunity
Radio Yesteryear94.1GosfordNostalgic music community
Today's Country 94one94.1GosfordCountry music community
NineFourOne FM94.1Wollongong/NowraChristian community
Rhema 94.394.3DubboChristian community
2MCE FM94.7OrangeCommunity
Rhema FM Central Coast94.9GosfordChristian community
Three Rivers Radio95.3CoolahCommunity
Three Rivers Radio96.1DunedooCommunity
Coast FM 96396.3GosfordCommunity
KRR FM98.7KandosCommunity
Rhema FM99.7NewcastleChristian community
Life FM100.1BathurstChristian community
RPH Print Radio100.5NewcastleCommunity
Port Stephens FM100.9Port StephensCommunity
Rhema FM Orange103.5OrangeChristian community
VOX FM 106.9106.9WollongongCommunity
FM 107.5107.5OrangeCommunity
Sky Sports Radio1314WollongongRacing narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio1341NewcastleRacing narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio1629BathurstChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio1629DubboChristian narrowcast
Radio 16291629NewcastleNarrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6AlectownChristian narrowcast
Raw FM87.6BerryDance music narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6CondobolinChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6ForbesChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6LithgowChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6NevertireChristian narrowcast
Raw FM87.6NowraDance music narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6ParkesChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.6Peak HillChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.8ApsleyChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.8MarangarooChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.8Mt VictoriaChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.8MudgeeChristian narrowcast
Vision Christian Radio87.8YoungChristian narrowcast
Hit Country 8888.0OrangeNarrowcast
Vision Christian Radio88.0TinghaChristian narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio89.7Lithgow CityRacing narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio90.3Dubbo CityRacing narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio90.9Mudgee (Town)Racing narrowcast
Hot Country94.5MuswellbrookCountry music narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio98.5MurrurundiRacing narrowcast
2MM Greek Radio99.3WollongongGreek narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio99.9Parkes/ForbesRacing narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio100.9BathurstRacing narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio103.3MuswellbrookRacing narrowcast
Hot Country105.3WollongongCountry music narrowcast
Sky Sports Radio106.7OrangeRacing narrowcast

If you have updates, changes, additions or other information to help us keep the listings current, please email us.

Previously maintained by Kevin White.


The Australian Radio Guide Main Index

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